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a woman is using mobile to check text message; image used for HSBC Sri Lanka ways to bank text alert

Text alerts

Stay in control of your accounts

Keep up to date with what's happening on your account

Subscribe to text alerts and we’ll send you a text message if something changes on your account - or doesn't happen when you expect it to.

You choose the alerts you want to receive and the accounts you want to hear about. You can update this at any time in online banking.


Obtain your credit card balance, minimum payment amount and payment due date by simply sending an SMS to HSBC, yet free of charge.

Please follow below steps to enjoy this service:

Step 1: Simply SMS <HSBC CC> to 4722 using your mobile number registered with HSBC

Step 2: You will receive an SMS from HSBC confirming following details of your credit card.

  • Card type and last 4 digits of the credit card number
  • Credit card outstanding balance as at previous day
  • Available credit limit
  • Minimum payment amount
  • Payment due date

If you are not registered for this facility, experiencing any issues with the current service or if you wish to change your mobile number, please call our 24/7 Customer Service Hotline on 011 4 472 200.

HSBC Credit Card transaction alerts

Stay up to date on the transactions you perform with your HSBC Credit Card. Receive instant alerts when you use your credit card.

If you are not registered for this facility, experiencing any issues with the current service or if you wish to change your mobile number, please call our 24/7 Customer Service Hotline on 011 4 472 200.

HSBC Premier SMS Alerts

Keeping track your accounts through constant updates on your transactions with Premier SMS Alerts, offered free of charge for HSBC Premier customers.

What is HSBC Premier SMS alerts service?

HSBC Premier SMS Alerts is a service that keeps you informed of your transactions related to your current accounts via SMS notifications instantly. The facility is provided free of charge.

What are the types of notifications and the maximum and minimum limits?

Notifications on both credit and debit transactions over Rs.5,000

Benefits to the customers

The convenience and added security with instant SMS confirmations on credit and debit transactions on your current accounts.

How to register for HSBC Premier SMS Alerts?

  1. Submit a written request to any of our branches
  2. Send a written request to the following address.

HSBC Premier 
HSBC Premier SMS Banking
HSBC Centre, P.O. Box 73, Colombo

Contact your Premier Relationship Manager or call our 24/7 Premier Customer Service Hotline on 011 4 472 272. 

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