HSBC strongly recommends that you not share any personal data like your name, address, date of birth, bank account number, credit card number etc. on Facebook, Twitter and other social media channels. Sharing any such information will be at your own risk. HSBC will never ask you to post any personal data via social media.
Please do not post content that promotes, suggests or encourages:
- Gambling or any content related to online casinos, sports books, bingo or poker;
- The use of firearms/weapons/ammunition, any illegal drugs, prostitution, pornography;
- Nudity, profanity or other adult content, violence, or the use of alcohol or tobacco products;
- The taking up of arms against any person, government or entity or otherwise challenge or seek to overthrow any government;
Or otherwise contains:
- Obscene, indecent, defamatory, libelous, slanderous and/or unlawful content;
- Content that infringes upon, or otherwise violates, the rights of any third party, including copyright, trademark, privacy, publicity or other personal or proprietary rights;
- Content that is deceptive or fraudulent;
- Hateful, or other discriminatory, disparaging or denigrating content, whether directed at an individual, group, or other site users, and whether based upon race, age, gender, disability, sexual orientation, ethnicity, religion, political orientation, national origin, citizenship, ancestry, marital status, veteran status or mental or physical disability or condition, or content that uses adversarial or confrontational tactics to impact a product, service, industry or organization.
- Confidential information that violates any obligation of confidentiality;
- Any viruses, spyware, malware, or other malicious components that are designed to harm the functionality of a computer in any way; or
- "Spam" advertisements or references to non-HSBC offers, products, services or websites;
We update and monitor the HSBC Sri Lanka Facebook page from 9AM - 5PM Monday through Friday, business days excluding public and bank holidays.
We are happy if you share our content and like/follow us. We do not automatically like/follow back new followers and pages. If we do follow you, this does not imply endorsement of any kind from HSBC.
We're actively watching what people are saying to and about HSBC on social media platforms, and value your feedback. However, because of the public nature of the platforms, we simply can't respond to or engage on all issues
HSBC's Social Media presences cannot discuss personal account details via Direct Messages on Facebook or Twitter. If you have an inquiry requiring the sharing of such information, please contact us at one of the phone numbers listed.